Your link to quality

If you are engaged in the business of growing and trading in flower bulbs then by law you will have to deal with the BKD for the inspection and registration of your crops, for the checking and certification/attestation of the products you are trading and for the checking of your records.

You register with the BKD by clicking on the button below so that you can fill in our registration form. Upon its receipt, we will start processing your registration and will get in touch with you as soon as possible

As a new exporter, you must register with the NVWA (the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority) and (possibly) also with Anthos (the Royal Dutch Trade Association for Nursery Stock and Flower Bulbs). I Already registered with the BKD but not yet registered as an exporter? Please register with the NVWA and with Ketenregister. On this page you can read more about the import and export of flowerbulbs.

If you need more information about our services or cannot find the information you need in English, please contact us.

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